Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday 21st

Yesterday I managed 25 squats before my legs felt like they were about to fall off. Still wobbly today. Had 2 bottles of water and a piece of fruits.

Today is Zumba day!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fell Off the Wagon

Like completely off. Fell off and the guy driving the wagon didnt notice and sped off into the sunset leaving me sitting on my backside in the middle of nowhere.

Too much too soon. Didn't let myself ease into which I know may not be the way to go around it, but I am not looking for a quick fix. I want to make lifestyle changes, create new habits and be healthy for life, not fit into that dress next week.

So have decided to start again and try again. Same starting weight.

This weeks challenges are going to be...

2x bottles of water a day (Achieveable)
1x piece of fruit a day (Achievable)
3x 20 min Zumba sessions a week. (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
2x 50 squats a week (Tuesday, Thursday)
Saturday and Sunday are family days. (Also work around the house, painting, renovating etc)

Snacks are not to be chips and soft drink. Make guacamole (recipe can be found here) and dip with a little bread or some plain crackers.

I have stopped buying myself soft drink and don't buy ice cream now either. (Very hard for me to give them up so I have given myself a pat on the back for making that step). On the occasion that I want something beside water, I add a little juice into my water bottle for a bit of flavour. (By little bit I mean about 1 part juice: 10 parts water). Should add a slice of orange, lemon or lime instead, but all in due time.

Dinners are made with veges/salad as a huge part of it. (A huge bowl of salad with some shredded chicken tossed through is my fave dinner)

So now that I have a new plan that isn''t as huge a shock, I should be able to hold onto that wagon better.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday 14th Oct

Yesterday I only did 12 squats.

No reason no excuses I just didnt.

Bit of a useless day really.

1x bottle water
1x piece of friut

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2 Daily's in one!

Yesterday my grandad left to go back to Australia (had been here for 3 weeks for a visit) so I spent the day cleaning the house. Also sorted out Riley's clothes and put everything that was too small away.

I didn't get any of the exercise that I had set done.
However the cleaning involved alot of dancing around the house and some games with Riley that involved crunches (not full sit ups)

So I guess the equivalent of about 50 squats and about 30 crunches. Not ideal, but better than the nothings I have been doing lol

3x 750ml bottles water
4x pieces fruit


10 mins Zumba
40 squats

2x 750ml bottles water
2x pieces fruit.

I really need to step up my game!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

First Day

First day and I don't even update!

Went out for dinner to my mum and dad's. Grandad was over from Australia for 3 weeks and goes home today so headed round to say goodbye.

Yesterday I managed....
2x 750ml bottle of water
1x piece of fruit
20 mins Zumba.

I dont find this too bad as I only started halfway trhough the day. But really thats just making excuses. Have a whole day today so ITS ON!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Official Starting Weigh In

121kg. Was expecting it but still sucks to see it on the scales!

Programme for the week.

4x 750ml bottles of water
2x pieces of fruit
100 squats
20 sit ups
20mins Zumba

Will post everyday with what I was meant to do and what I actually did.

Would love it if you joined in!!! Leave your starting weight in the comments section (feel free to do it under a false name if you like) and as I post each day with what I do, would love if you let me know what you did! Once a week you can weigh in with me!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

It Begins

Zumba... I have joined the craze. I'll be the first to admit that I prefer to watch a movie than go for a walk/run and I would rather sit on the deck in the sun long before getting on a bike (not that I own a bike and I would be too scared to ride a bike with Riley on the back or front) but I'm sure you get what I mean.

However.... I LOVE to dance (doesn't mean I'm any good) but jumping around and body rolling is my idea of a good day (or good night with a couple of drinks pre-Riley!). It also has some good tunes that Riley happily sits and listens too.

My goal: A (NZ) size 16. (currently between an 18-20, rarely a 22 - but it has happened)

Would love to be able to run around after Riley as he grows up without getting winded (which with asthma may still be a problem, but hopefully being a bit healthier will help that too)

Would also love to go swimming and not have greenpeace try and push me back in the pool.

I have a friend joining me in my Zumba experiment so I am not travelling alone and I will be making myself do weekly follow-up photos.

Stay tuned and if I inspire you, would love to see some before and afters!
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